The most curious thing about this game is not only its tempting and alluring power catching numerous clients around its table and wheel of chance, but also – variety of complicated, funny, mathematical and others strategies. Of course, nobody can state that any tactic is 100% winning one, but to satisfy curiosity and learn new strategy, we will test AMS roulette system.
Sequence Of Numbers And Bankroll
Each number in sequence is equal to the proper wager for any section on the table. Amounts are not so high, thus if you were not born with silver spoon in your mouth, you will not crash your bankroll totally. Moreover, it’s good idea to check the system, as we will do after the main theory course.
We describe three ways of strategy development with code names: Lucky Guy, Bad Break and Half-and-Halfer for each of them.
Lucky Guy - the first variant of AMS roulette tactic is as simple as you can image. As it has been pointed above there are 3 main numbers for stakes 1/2/4. Being Lucky Guy staking each time we win, thus 6 steps for wagering are next:
- The first wager is equal to 1 coin
- The second one – 1 coin
- The Third – 2 coins
- The Fourth – 2 coins
- The Fifth – 4 coins
- The Sixth – 4 coins
But Lucky Guy variant is too ideal one, especially, dealing with European Roulette. Now it is time for Bad Break variant. Due to its name, it means that Luck will not be on our side at all and all wagers lose. Thus, the wagers will be next:
- The first wager – 1 coin and it loses
- The second – 1 coin again – bad luck
- The Third one – 2 coins
- The fourth one – 2 coins
- The fifth one – 4 coins
- The sixth one – return to 1 coin wager and start from the beginning of our AMS roulette betting method
There is Half-and-Halfer variant for Lucky Guy. We can lose any time at 2nd, 4th or 6th stake, thus the system is following:
- Losing at 2nd stake place again 1st wager
- Losing at 3rd wager point – go back to 1st wager
- Failing at 4th point – return to 3rd
- Failing at 5th wager point – go back to 3rd
- Failing at 6th stake point – place 3rd stake again
Another Half-and-Halfer variant of AMS system is made for Bad Break:
- Gaining victory at 3rd point or 2nd return to 1st stake
- Achieved victory with 4th wager – go back to the 3rd stake
- Won at the 5th point – return to the 3rd wager too
It is no so sophisticated and complicated. It just seems so. Read again and test at the demo-version to understand the method and have lucrative winnings!